Noble wins national award
A Better Chicago’s grantee, Noble Network of Charter Schools, was just named the best-performing large public charter school system in America by the The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation. The Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools is presented annually to the public charter school system that serves low-income students and has the best overall performance in the country. Noble, which operates 17 schools in Chicago, was selected for this award by a review board of prominent education researchers, policy leaders, practitioners and executives from around the world who evaluated student performance and college readiness data for 20 of the country’s largest public management systems. As the winner, Noble Network will receive $250,000 to advance their efforts to send students to and through college.
“Noble is exceptional because they operate almost entirely high schools, which are often the toughest grades to advance academically at high levels,” said Paul Pastorek, a member of The Broad Prize for Public Charter Schools review board and the former Louisiana state superintendent of education, who announced the winner. “Noble is clearly on to something because they’ve been able to scale and sustain their academic achievement. They have demonstrated that all students have the ability to perform at college-ready levels.”
Learn more about A Better Chicago’s investment in Noble here, and read the press release here